Jesusnwo ★
Add me on line app can send a video of my carinas
Usually something goes wrong at the start of most events gotta just be on soon as event start
Thank you atleast I was honest
Wish I could spend on cyber weekend or get that many banquet crystals lol
I got 193 sigs 93 in stash box
Kabam knows
Thought the sigs would be good enough that’s 93 in the stash lol
Only came in 1 message
I’m sure kabam will look into it
Look at the sigs in the pic where would I get so many in stash
Guess I was the only one thanx
I got 2 nexus 2 r3 gem n 100 sig stones
Was nice sigs extra r3 gem was def nice lol
Believe it or not happened lol
I wrote a ticket they said check forums they screwing me in bg smh
Yea got the same thing every match since the update
just scored over a mil
nice i need a alliance like that prob motivate me to score more lol
thanks for the info bro
Better then me smh
This season been easier then last few most I ever won In a row
People complaining about sandbagging but ya wanna get unlimited revives to help ya beat the game hypocrites