Jfk1967 ★
Game is updated...still waiting for the trial to show up....
I'm having the same problem here on all of my champs that have it. Can't stack anything currently been like this for a few days now.
Sorry alliance tag is 1P2S called agents of ice. (Alliance based out of Alaska)
Hey man add me in game would love to have you join our alliance! IGN: jfk1967
We run maps 2-4 and 2 to 3 BGs depending on involvement from members.
Red skull had a good concept with heavy power drain and heal block but for someone actively holding the cosmic cube in his moves he should do way more damage or stronger specials
I agree with alot of these comments I wish all iron Man except IW was boosted or changed. Like I said in another post these new champs just push this low tier ones way further down the spectrum. When this game first dropped every champ had a purpose and an advantage over another but now it's like Demi good to god just…
Was only allowed 10 wish I could add more trust me there is a lot I want on here but just picked a handful of champs I think need a decent boost. I think punisher and magneato need some fixes.
And who would you rather? Just curious I personally think he should be like the comics Logan but I can see why he shouldn't as well as why he should. There was others I wanted to put instead but only allowed 10 options.
Synergies would be the biggest fix that needs to be done! I agree with that 100%
I use my SW and Thor everyday don't get me wrong I'm just saying with the new threshold of characters being dropped some need to be boosted like I would love to see IF get buffed and Old man Logan also
Also champs like SW and Thor should have never been nerfed if the new champs came in just Killing it from the start!
Hey interested if you are still looking. Msg me in game name is jfk1967
Yeah I've been talking to my alliance alot about it and its hard to get the semi active players from not joining and trying to claim rewards. Etc.
This has also been an ongoing issue with my whole alliance. We can't even post without signing out just to see what was said.