Jimmy_Chnchila ★
Mic drop.
@laserjohn26 dude none of that applies, it’s not an open market. It’s an imaginary market created by a company for profit. They control the supply and demand. I understand simple economics, inflation and purchasing power in the context for which they’re applicable. The models you reference are based on a set of…
I find it odd you interpreted “y’all” to mean you personally as well as your family and neighbors, instead of perhaps the MCOC gaming community members who were disagreeing with my opinion on this forum. Context buddy. And “haters” is a slang term from the early 2000s that means people who harbor unfounded anger or…
We need more XL Mutant champs and more Brotherhood of Mutants champs! Vote Blob!!!
He’d be a third XL Mutant champ
Y’all just a bunch of haters. Probably jelly cuz you not running Raids and don’t have over 15k Glory waiting to be claimed with only 6 days expiry.
I’m just baffled people would disagree. Why would anyone defend there being such a low cap? How does it help you? I’m requesting a change that would help everyone and hurt no one, yet some people are like “no I like having a low cap and being forced to buy stuff I don’t need”.
Ok thanks I didn’t know was a bug! I still don’t understand the “encouraging to spend now” at all though. The only logic I can think of that would explain that would be if they want to limit our ability to purchase rank/level up materials with resources earned in game (free) so we have to use Units (able to purchase with…
I didn’t realize there were other caps, maybe cuz it would take so long to reach them. So do you agree the Glory cap should be raised?
Blob is the only character that’s been in Marvel films/TV. And we need more XL Mutant champs!
Maybe someone could calculate how much Glory it would take to buy out the store…
He can still be frozen solid by Iceman. His power really only involves being immovable and impervious to physical attacks.
Blob needs to have a self-root mechanic, as his power involves a unidirectional gravity field making him essentially immovable. The opposite of Juggernaut. And he’s so fat that when you punch him your hand gets stuck, so maybe when he’s rooted any contact attack stuns the attacker. Maybe the only way to unroot him is by…
Yeah I’m not sure that addresses my concerns relating to resources required versus points earned…I’m not sure how you’d wait years when the level up objective recycles every 5 days
I’m just tired of always feeling shafted, for any number of reasons. There has to be a balance between running a business (and maximizing profits) and keeping your ongoing customer base happy. It costs more to bring in a new customer than to keep an existing customer, which is basic business knowledge, so I am baffled that…
Ok yeah I’ll look more closely if no one else experiencing the issue, thanks for input
No more custom characters, there are plenty of actual Marvel characters to choose from. And no more costume changes, we have plenty of Spideys and Iron Men.
Screw these D-List characters, let’s get: Blob, Polaris, Pyro, Avalanche, Prowler, Sandman, Toxin, Armor, Miek, Black Tom Cassidy, Banshee, Warpath, Phantom X, Sunfire, Magma, Sebastian Shaw, Dark Phoenix, Marrow, etc. or at least Blob, he could have a self-root mechanic.
I thought OG was in reference to costume…😟
Awesome response time! Turns out, their PI does increase, just not within the same window where you’re adding the stones (from inventory not char screen). So if you have multiple stones, you will have to back out and reopen before you can see the new PI. Never was like that until newest patch, please fix. Side note: I…
Get used to it. The inaccuracies and outright butchery of many characters is just a thing with MCOC. Just like MCU is not at all like the comics.
Guys y’all are missing the point: the classes of champs are often ridiculous. Spider-Man is Science but if he has Stark Tech he’s Tech, or Shield Tech and he’s Skill. Green Goblin uses Tech but also took an experimental serum. Science. The Phoenix force is Cosmic, but Jean Grey is an Omega-level mutant. Falcon is Skill…
@Shadowstrike Haha! Yes perhaps I will. If only. But apparently no one else cares so I’ll just drop it lol
He was in his 90’s. His manager was charged with Elder Abuse (multiple charges) and his daughter was accused of the same. He was not making decisions for himself at that point. It’s sad you don’t know that. But I guess it’s just another aspect of his life that is successfully being “retconned”, demonstrated by the general…
Kicked in the groin is a colloquialism, not meant to be taken literally. @Quattrucci I care because I’m actually a comic reader/collector and I dislike when things I’m fond of and we’ll versed in are disrespected or presented inaccurately. Have you read any X-Men comics in your life? How about all of them? I bet you also…
Well neither was dead but I doubt they even knew what was being done to their legacy.
@AverageDesi My personal requests? Brilliant. Ditko was dead, Lee was not. Neither were involved with comic writing when they retconned QS in 2015. The only insensitive thing here is Kabam/Marvel rewriting origins stories of classic characters to make money, and people like you who don’t have long boxes of Marvel comics. I…
Booooo! Fix the classic characters that everyone loves and plays with, before adding crappy D-list characters. I’m sick of this BS. You have A-list fan favorites sitting in Meme tier and are instead focusing on some junk characters no one cares about. How many Spider Man, Cap, and Iron Man costumes can we have? You are…
Weaker perhaps but I’m talking about comparing to the long-standing comic mythos. Like Omega-level mutants, not all heroes are equally powerful. I get it’s a game, but Juggernaut in meme tier is like Superman meme tier in a DC game. Juggs is legit almost completely invulnerable and immortal and his been in the comics since…