Jingo ★
Can do if not line required
Is Line required?
Is line required?
Done. Sentinel was a good choice with sp1 and sp2 rotation.
Boss nodes the same after reroll. I spent all 8 getting combinations of mighty charge, spite, masochism and rage. On Tigra. Not a large pool it seems. That disappoints. Otherwise ok
I agree If only that were the case from the beginning years ago when people didn’t know (and many other computer games required selling seemingly useless resources) only to be requirement for exploration years later. I was in that place Joining just after game started now I stare longingly at v4.3.2. Sad times.... take it…
I think you mean Stun immune with Life cycle. That would be the real problem! Aegon was easy but imagine silver surfer if he was stun immune (thank god not)
I confirm this also. I use ST a lot as he is questing team with OR and I often chain into sp1 on multiple of 10 combo. Fury used to instantly apply so would be converted and now does not so gets missed ( as well as losing time with special). This is a definite change to how he was working so should be looked at else need…
OML still taking full damage in AQ bleed nodes despite regen buff up whole time (never used specials to test this). Seems like I’d bleed activates immediately his “reduced potency” benefit does not work.
Results of my test is AQ with OML w Sabre tooth synergy shows the bleed reduction is NOT working on bleed nodes but does if you get a bleed during a fight. With bleed nodes I got full bleed damage despite never using a special to keep regen buff up (never nullified). Regen and willpower just managed to keep up with damage.…
Got first time MS. No massive god tier in the crystal so to be expected. Hoped for a dupe for iso and shards. Rewards are what they are.
Hydra is bugged as when using Mephisto soul imprison he was still getting unstoppable buff which was very annoying!
I think the hydra adaptoid is bugged. I used Mephisto to soul imprison to stop unstoppable buff but despite keeping the soul imprisonment on by using sp1 he started to get it repeatedly. It stopped it once and then he always got it after using special attack. Please investigate as major pain losing champs this way
I fully agree on dropping the links. Especially for the second tier of war that this has been added too as just blocks whole progress. Somebody stuck on a KG or IMIW on one side blocks the middle for us normal players in tier 4 where this has appeared. Can see why you want this say tier 1-2 but lower than that is just too…
Countertactics and stun immune is the worst. You actually left out of the poll the one I’d vote for most!
To answer in the way the OP wants, my opinion is: Is she tricky: Yes Is she harder than other bosses: Yes Is she too “amped up”: not in my opinion. She is harder than others Like kingpin and doc oc but I’ve only ever lost one or two champs to her. Watch videos and pick right champs Is she worth the rewards: yes i suppose…
This is interesting. Been playing 3 years and didn’t know poison reduces healing by 30%. Knew archangel did but thought that was a specific effect for him. Every day is a school day or guess I am a noob....
I’m looking for no grind and map3 - relaxed and chilled. Veteran of sorts: prestige 5580. Jingotasti in game and Line
If chilled relaxed I may be interested. Prestige 5580. Jingotasti in game name and line
Looks like I’m at Voodoo odd combo. BW and Gwenpool..... or heavy hitters and revive
Let me clear. Not really asking for Magik to be changed but tips on beating her on right miniboss which is debuff immune. People then come and say “use AA or Electra or quake” but my understanding is they need to place a debuff on to get reduced ability accuracy. Gwenpool helps but given 3-4 limbos kills you with a 5*r4…
iPhone 6splus. iOS 11 Also not just specials. Voodoo 5 hit combo ending on medium has long animation and gets combo’d back even holding block after final swipe
And I’m not one punch man
Rotmgmoddy: Voodoo odd combo not work on debuff immune Magik as the drain is a debuff Trumpoot: Pacify not work as stun is a debuff obviously. Also Pacify seems broken as in AQ at least I get limbo 5/6 times all under stun and I have it maxed. Not using xbones as that feeds MD. BW a shot... falcon... unreliable. Still not…
Need some genuine help from the god tier players here then. Magik on right mini boss in AW that is debuff immune..... can’t power lock her with Magik, can’t power drain her with Voodoo, tried power burn and that didn’t work either although thought it should as not debuff but buff on Voodoo (bug maybe?) Archangel ability…
Cant find you in game