Jnacua ★
Ok I copy.
Why don’t we as a community actually present a list of better choices then, it doesn’t have to be the list I made those were just examples.
There she is garbage it’s the same M/O as the Moon Night series.
Let me take a look
How long did you look at your little six word quote before saying I could not spell Lady Sif. How about we bring something constructive to the table?
Your right so why the heck would I want to play one of listed champs, a lot of the champs I have listed should have been added before the 10 year Anniversary I would gladly take Franklin Richard’s over any of the Moon Night characters.
None, these champs are not interesting, and you have some here who are from the same series, this kind of reads like a list of champs someone wrote on a list in a rush heading out for Christmas vacation. Give us a better selection.
Yeah I don't buy that Edison Kabam can make any change when ever.