Jokre ★
i cant even dex normaly without parrying the opponent. He dashes at me-> me trying to dex -> Me just stand there and automatically parry stun the opponent like ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻, (I am TB and i know how to play) . Thats some serious bull ****. I just played once today. Ghost full synergie with Guardian on the team, 7.2.4…
same for me. got lucky enough that I haven't lost my streak jet
Well I feel like I am only facing r/3 dominos/ Dooms and stuff when I use my underlevelt 6 star champions. U probably can't even use 5 star r/3 anymore. in the old arena I had some death matches but not to this extent
Thats to much. even tho I am a new throne breaker I have only like 30 6 stars