Jolsen11A ★
If you have line jolsen11A
Try line my ID is same as forum name
Got the spot filled. Thank you to all those that messaged me
Spot filled
Line and in game ID the same Jolsen11A
Filled the vacancy
Line and in game the same Jolsen11A
Filled the vacancy
All spots are filled thank you
I have someone lined up now thank you
Filled the opening, but I will need 1 come end of AW season
Spot was filled
Filled the vacancy
Found someone thanks all who replied best of luck to everyone
Hey man if you want to come back we got room in BG3 AQ map 5. We cut 95% of our trash. BG1 is all end game players few paragons and a few who have completed all content aspiring for paragon. BG1 does map 6 and looking to get BG2 into map 6 shortly. 25/30 on line if you join it’ll be 26/30. General chat and BG chats much…
Still looking for skilled active members
Still need 1
Still looking for 1-2 active
If you’re still looking let me know line/ig name jolsen11A. Definitely fit you guys in. Life comes first in our ally this is just a game. Also looking to start doing map 6.
Still looking
Still have openings anyone interested let me know
Also big daddy coconuts off season we don’t do war. 3 BG during the season trying to solidify our current gold 2 status
Inomad what’s your in game name?
Not sure about AQ as there’s a bug not showing results But we got to the 200mil mark rank 3739
I have no notification or friend request.
Look us up in game alliance tag !GPGH or in game ID jolsen11A. With our merger complete and a few string players we’ll make gold.
How many are in your alliance? What’s your alliance name?
If you’re interested look us up I’m game My ID is Jolsen11A or alliance tag !GPGH send a request if interested
Hey if you’re interested in a merger let me know. I read what your alliance is about and I feel we are similar. Life first this is a game. We are currently running AQ 5/3 as we rebuild and 1 AW group. We have 22. Check is out in game my ID is Jolsen11A alliance tag !GPGH. Sent an in game invitation