Not sure what type of AQ you're looking for. I sent an in game friend request. Legion of Doop is running 5x5 with mods, trying to field a BG of 6x5. Optional AW. We use discord for comms.
If you are still looking, we have space open. Legion of Doop. 5x5 with mods, throwing in some map 6. 2 BGs of optional AW. G3 or higher. We're on Discord as well. JonBiscuits#1534
Sent you a request in game. We run 65655, rank 780ish. A stress-free Gold 1 in AW. Would have likely placed Plat 4 if the season played out. Have room for everyone. Send me a message if you're interested. LINE: JonBiscuits Discord: JonBiscuits#1534