
  • For this compensation to be even remotely useful you need season to actually successfully start☠️ Even then we haven’t had war for over a month most people are capped on those “rare” Potions. More stuff to expire.
  • You’re right, and I apologize for coming off as a jerk. However, you need to understand that us players care about the game, and it feels like a slap in the face when you do things like this. For once, can you guys at Kabam actually show that you care for your player base? Please consider some of these suggestions instead…
  • “I am providing you with feedback. I shared my opinion on your ‘compensation’ and offered a better idea. If you don’t appreciate it, perhaps you shouldn’t seek suggestions. 🤷🏾‍♂️ Read the room, dude; everyone is unhappy with the compensation, indicating that Kabam made a mistake. I apologize if I come across as rude, but I…
  • “Who said I expected that? It’s Kabam. Lmfao, I don’t expect much from y’all. ☠️☠️☠️☠️ You asked for a suggestion, and I gave you one. I’m not the only one who has suggested it. 🤷🏾‍♂️ Maybe if you guys had a half-capable game team, or even a few devs who actually played the game, you would understand why players are so…
  • Why not just give everyone the rewards they got last season as compensation? We literally missed a whole season of rewards and including it in bgs does nothing because they’re two different game modes and not all WAR PLAYERS play bgs. Giving us the rewards we got last season would’ve been the smartest thing. A lot better…
  • They literally gave better rewards to people who got banned and came back to the game during the ban wave LMFAO. Kabam is a joke. A season missed out on rank 1 rewards for 2 gauntlet keys that do nothing for us. Kabam respect people who broke their TOS more apparently.
  • The compensation was given to people who got banned by kabam and came back after the ban expired. They respect people who cheated and used arena bots more than general players☠️ Kabam can’t do anything right
  • They literally gave better rewards to people who got banned and came back to the game during the ban wave LMFAO. Kabam is a joke. A season missed out on rank 1 rewards for 2 gauntlet keys that do nothing for us. Kabam respect people who broke their TOS more apparently.
  • Ok you clearly don’t understand what’s going on XD. Just end this conversation.
  • We’re already first and have been first the whole season without any bugs or whatever happened (gt40). What I’m saying is, how is it fair that the alliance that is 2nd and will get 1st place rewards with us, get extra t6cc AND 7* shards, while us in gt40 only get an extra 7* shards. Shouldn’t we deserve something more than…
  • Wait so ur telling me that 2nd place will get extra t6cc and actual useful material, and all we get is an extra 7500 7* shards for first? Doesn’t seem fair. We should at least more than just some 7* shards. We deserve some extra t6cc just like the 2nd place will get