Joshkc662 ★
Just took video verifying that the same dynamic doesn't affect Gwenpool in the 1.1 quest but it does affect Blade. Since GP's ability accuracy reduction is specific to defensive abilities, apparently under the hood the game is interpreting the scenario as the defender placing a passive Fury on the attacker whenever a bleed…
Yes I mentioned that I retested and this appears to be resolved.
Same with this one, Mix Master is a detrimental effect that applies to the defender (the effect is that they evade), not a beneficial effect that applies to the attacker.
I'm not referring to Biohazard, that's clearly a detrimental effect that applies to the defender. Seeing Red is beneficial and applies to the attacker.
Retesting Magneto and OML and it looks like the issue has been addressed with them. Tested with Archangel to validate whether or not Ability Accuracy Reduction would impair his ability to convert the bleeds to prowess like Omega and it looks like it does. This validates @Lormif 's assertion, but raises a lot of questions…
I understand what you're saying about the node abilities being "opponent abilities" but that isn't always true and clearly seems to not be the intent here. The attacker is the one purifying the bleeds, so an ability that specifically prevents the defender from purifying debuffs does not seem to be working as intended.
Several members of my alliance and I had both Magneto and Old Man Logan die from bleed damage. Like I said, I'm not sure what the proper protocol is for sharing videos. I could do screenshots but I'm not sure that would capture the issue since it would omit context. Omega is supposed to prevent the enemy from purifying…
I'm not sold on those specific abilities, but 100% agree that Mystique should be added and there should be a strong synergy with Nightcrawler. It would be even cooler if Azazel got added as well and they had a family synergy like the Inhuman Royal Family!
Yeah I agree in general, but that's why I think it's nice when you can add a bit to the characters through a synergy. They're very close to being good already but for the most part they collect cobwebs on the shelf. This way you don't need to go through the process of a full character redo and beta. You could introduce it…
Thanks for the response Zibiit!
Exploring EQ Uncollected quest 1.2 on the Tenacity - 3 path. Used Omega Red, waited to use my heavy until Quake had 10 death spores, but she still purified the Degen debuff on both hits. Is there some reason he can bypass natural Tenacity on enemies like Agent Venom but not the node? Thanks
I've never noticed it failing against Kingpin, makes me want to test against him. Proxima's ability accuracy reduction on blocks doesn't work against those two and I've suspected that their "shrug off" mechanic is exempt because under the hood they're actually trading the debuff for something else rather than just…
Omega has a passive ability that reduces the enemy's ability to purify debuffs by 10% per spore, so at 10 spores the debuff is guaranteed to stick. This works against Kingpin, Agent Venom, etc.
I agree that from a game design standpoint it's sloppy. Make the boss give out more acorns than the previous enemy, but divert some of the acorn rewards from that last fight to a "completion" reward. Boom, you get the same amount of rewards for the same fights but it still feels like you got something for clearing the…
Confirmed that Venom works correctly against the Spider-Man Classic that follows Daredevil on that path. And when I got him below 18% I didn't incur any Fatigues, but the fight was over pretty quickly after that so it may have been RNG. Potentially seems like the bug only occurs if you start the fight with Venom when the…
Seems related to this issue but not quite the same, because I was able to attack without incurring Fatigue while Daredevil was stunned (you can see in the linked video).
I'm having extra connection issues, but I have been able to log in and out of the beta and have most of my account active while in beta mode. Just trying to figure out how to get to the beta forum, not seeing an invite or a post anywhere.
My guess is it wouldn't work on Mordo since he has a passive that protects him from ability accuracy reduction. Blade's Danger Sense can't get around it either.
I've noticed it too. I've been chalking it up to the frame rate change they made.
Good stuff. I agree that they should work for defenders, but that you shouldn't have to keep a mental encyclopedia of an ever-expanding web of synergies. Every time a new hero came out you would have to memorize everything, and that's a bridge too far, even for "serious" players. Imagine a new alliance wanting to try AW…