
  • This just happened to our alliance again today. This is now the 4th or 5th time it’s happened. I even checked to make sure we were enlisted. My tag is [BoB81]. I also spoke to others in the leaders lounge2 chat that had it happen today.
  • My alliance tag is [BoB81].
  • Twice now I’ve enlisted for wars and the game un-enlists me afterwards. I’ve sent in tickets to Kabam but they keep saying it’s my fault and talk to me like I’m an idiot. I’ve talked to several other leaders who’ve had the same issue and sent them proof but still it’s my fault! Who else has had issues where they enlist…
  • It’s more widespread than people realize. I’ve talked to several other leaders who had this issue. I sent Kabam pictures of the conversation showing that 6-7 other leaders ( out of 53) had this happen to them. That’s basically 10% of the alliances in one chat only, imagine how many there are throughout the game. It’s just…
  • I’ve sent in several tickets for this and they always blame me! Kabam is a joke when it comes to customer service or admitting it’s something on their end.
  • yes the crystals are selected prior to it landing on a character but it’s still BS. Slot machines use a random number generator similar to the crystals, however if it stops on a jackpot and wasn’t supposed to, you still get paid. This is a Kabam issue and not something he did wrong to affect it. They should give him the…