
  • This is my whole argument over the point issue for the tokens. I did get some tickets in game just with mysterium etc, but 95% of the tickets i accumulated and invested in those tokens were from BUYING deals EVERY week. Which i tend to buy at least 1 per week, but especially focused on it for the tickets. I invested every…
  • I brought Iron Man this time and it seems just as bad as it was with silk last time and I have 15 charges. Fought 3 times and haven't hit the damage cap 1 time. No I don't suck, been successfully clearing raids since day 1 and cleared raids last time even with the problem with her. I don't think they nerved her at all or…
  • Wow, so revive glitch and supposedly they nerfed the Invisible Woman fight since u could only use a few very specific champs, but people in my alliance are saying they are having the same issues as last Raids. Going in and only being able to get 1 or 2 % of her health down. This is so bad. After the fiasco Raids has been…
  • I'm in the middle path and I will record a video if necessary, but I am playing it flawlessly, not hitting into her phase and getting the lights and mediums cleared as quick as possible. I have 15 charges as Vanguard, but I chose Silk. I just went in and tried again and never got to the damage boost. Not 1 damn time!!!…
  • So true though. Last Raids all my BG got the compensation. I put a ticket in telling them that my BG got it but I didn't even though I did the exact same as everyone else. The response: "If you did not recieve the compensation then that means your Alliance did not qualify for them." Lmao. I don't think they actually read…
  • So what are they going to do for people who didn't luckily pick 1 of the 3 champs that actually work like normal?? Nothing?? So me and my 2 path mates even if we used all 14 revives for the week will not be able to even get through the Invisible Woman fight seeing as how even with 15 charges we r getting 1% total damage.…
  • I don't have a R3 Silk but I haven't come close to 10% with Silk on this fight. Usually have no problem getting the full damage with her each time I revive. I had 3 runs and did 1% on only 2 of them. Crazy
  • We have fought her 4 or 5 times on our path and she is still at 97%. I was only able to do ramped up damage with 50 seconds left. Then through the 3rd 5 hit combo I did good damage. Shield came back up and right back to 10,000 or way less per hit with Silk. They know people have more full revives feom the last Raids…
  • I was in the middle of the final week of Terror Twister side quest and the game logged me out. I reconnected and the side quest is gone!! So I closed the game and reloaded a 2nd time and it is still gone. Just totally disappeared.