
  • Man, no love for Kamala Khan in this poll/these comments/this game... Maybe a buff next season ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Question about Ranker and this system, If you've submitted a character, can you edit that character? I submitted on several months ago but did not think to add synergies or possible abilities. Is that something that can be added afterward?
  • What's the formatting preference here? I've seen some people just list off the abilities of their chosen champions, others have organized them to appear like the "showcase" posts, and some have just linked google docs that have their champions in blocks representing how they would look in the game. Is there something…
  • So, what's the prefered format for suggestion? Should I just start listing names in no real order, or should it be a very organized list? Or would a thurough detailed analysis including specials, signatures, ans synergies be prefered?