Kevin30705 ★
Thank you VERY much, because I also was gonna ask that question. So you pretty much answered everything for me…. It is very much appreciated man….
Thanks everyone
Thank you all for your help. Fantman had no problem at all.
Thanks man…. I went in with Fantman before I read your post…. But, he cheesed it….
What about Future Antman ? Would he be a good option ?
I don’t have either one ranked. Is the unblockable something that certain champions can get around ?
By “Mods”, do you mean the cheaters (LOL) or the Kabam team?
Thanks all…. I’ll feed him Sig stones as I go and I’ll Rank Angela next.
I also have Angela at 200 sig…. I forgot about her…. Would she be your choice above Fantman or Serpent ?
Anyone ?
I went with KP…. Right or wrong, it’s done…. Thanks for the advice guys. Man he hits hard…. NOT disappointed at all…. Again thanks guys.
We get that by just logging in every day ? And I’m Paragon…. Does that matter ?
I’ve heard several people say that. How are we getting a free one ?
Thanks for the help.
That’s what I’m thinking, but it never hurts to get advice. Thanks man.
Any advice greatly appreciated.
That just pretty much sealed the deal…. Got the same answer on my Facebook group and three different rooms in Line and my alliance…. I guess if I’m wrong then we’ll all be wrong together…. LOL…. Thanks for your help…. I do appreciate it….
Funny you should say that about Quake & Magik…. I just recently maxed out the 5*’s of both and maxed out their sigs and ascended them…. No regrets at all there.
This is the response I got from my MCOC Facebook group.
The good thing is I got him to Rank 5 Max & I also Ascended him. I hope I didn’t mess up…. I like how he fights and everyone said he was worth it.
Thank you all…. Makes perfect sense…. I have 3 & 4 Thanks for a simple explanation guys.
How do you get Stellar Defense AND Crit Damage ? It only let me choose one or the other.
Thank you both very much.
Thank you EVERYONE for all the input…. Very good info and I got through it all and KP this week to get all my rewards including the generic awakening gem. Thank you to everyone.
I’m done trying.
What does that mean ? “Punish” his specials ????????
Maybe this is stupid question, but what do you mean by “punish” his specials ?
Is there an updated list of Reverse Control Champs ? I know robots are immune in this fight, and I know Proff X and Wiccan are immune…. Any other ones ?
I am in 100% agreement with that statement !!!! I used less resources becoming Paragon For a side quest with keys that are consumed NO MATTER WHAT is 10000% a straight up money grab !!!!