Kiki1west ★
Hi! Im rebuilding our alliance as a place to encourage growth and get player ratings up. A lot of our players have increased substantionally in rating so have moved to our connected alliance for more serious play 24/7. Our alliance is nearly 2million rating and we play war and quest back to back and require everyone to…
Hi! Im rebuilding our alliance as a place to encourage growth and get player ratings up. A lot of our players have increased substantionally in rating so have moved to our connected alliance for more serious play 24/7. Our alliance is nearly 2million rating and we play war and quest back to back and require everyone to…
Hi! Im rebuilding our alliance as a place to encourage growth and get player ratings up. A lot of our players have increased substantionally in rating so have moved to our connected alliance for more serious play 24/7. Our alliance is nearly 2million rating and we play war and quest back to back and require everyone to…