KillerOfSaints ★
I'm not saying YJ needs to be the next Ægon, or the next CGR. I'm saying that if they're gonna buff someone, in order to make them relevant, and useable for a majority of content, in multiple areas of the game, then buff the man. He plays and feels extremely similar to how he did before hand. Take Spider Gwen. She's not…
@gage201205 You're absolutely right about that. I never said though, that the buff needed to make him God Tier, which is opinionative anyways. I do, however, believe that buffing the champion would mean making him applicable for the majority of content, like most solid new releases characters are. He has a very niche area…
@Colonaut123 That’s a fair point. I’ve been play testing the 5* and 6* versions of him on my accounts since release this morning, but so far, the best description of the buff is underwhelming, in my opinion. As to the back end, his animations/mechanics have NOT changed, which I find disappointing. Time will tell, as more…
@magnus_xix Just for discussion, what are your opinions on the buff then?
100% agree with you. If he came out, sure to say my wallet would be empty...