**WE ARE NO LONGER Temporarily Reverting Tier 1 War Ban System**

After further discussion, the game team has made the decision not make adjustements to the ban system.
The previously proposed fix would have resolved the issue for Summoners who are on the cusp of T1/T2 play, and negatively impacted Alliances more securely in T1. Instead, we recommend that cusp Alliances switch to Manual Placement to your members to place the allotted 5 Ban Champions limit there.

Apologies for the back and forth, and for any confusion.


  • To late again theirs still not a good system ingame to let us know wo searching social media and watching live streams at weird times in diff time zones last one was 9am in the morning for me while I was at work by time got done it was expired,they want us to be a community then be part of it!
  • What tier do you have to be to participate? I'm assuming paragon or higher bc I don't see anything about showcase on my Thronebreaker account?
  • I didn't ask for anything for free Karen,stop assuming! I'm just saying if their whole spiel is equality and inclusiveness then it should be across the board period. You shouldn't do anything half way! But that's just me. Your over exaggeration just shows the fantasy yous are stuck in so I don't blame you it's not your…
  • I'm in diamond 2 atm and still only have around 240k solo pts I have no idea have yous have 400k at platinum!
  • Yes,Happy Father's day to all,it would be amazing if kabaam appreciated and or recognized us like they cater to every other group,wouldn't be to much to have small Father's day event using Red Guardian,Antman etc Father's in Mcoc,but guess we don't need any recognition.We have our own rewards sitting next to us! Just would…