Kitty ★
I just purchased the 30 day Sigil a few days ago and am not happy to see this. While I understand there will be some level of compensation for units and sigil, it isn't adding up. Plus, I won't get the shards and potions and ISO, etc... I've been playing for 10 years. I've heard that refunds through Google Play can result…
I honestly thought, based on their description & announcement, that this was an ongoing 3-month event and it said the pass could be bought at any time and unlock the previous rewards. To me, that seemed like the triple pass would also be available.
Mine just disappeared without warning, I had time left to buy the pass and it disappeared completely so I can't unlock the double track now.
I am extremely confused - both the unit deals and "Fun in the Sun" event have 1 hour left on the clock and I was going to make my purchase only to find out that the offers are gone. So I can't even earn any more points towards the event even though there is an hour left. Can you please restore the deals?
Thank you all for the support and encouragement, at least. I am hopeful Kabam can help. If not, it helps to know there's support for me and anyone else in this unfortunate position.
That's to be expected on some things. I lost a revive and health earlier today because the game went down and when it came up it didn't prompt me to resume the fight. Things like that, I can let slide. But part of this - which I do understand is not planned - can set players back who may have done things like use energy…
No worries, we're not a common player base! Thank you, I hope something can be done. I have minimal time to take on the Labyrinth fights so this was my time to do it and I could have gotten her down well before the 40 min (I generally stop anything important 10 min before maintenance). @sbb75 - I thought of that, but it…
@Bucky22 I'm a she, but thank you!
Clearly it is up to 45% because I -am- charging my battery. :trollface: