KnightofAvalon ★
Some more ideas for diversity Angel Salvadore Prodigy White tiger (Hector Ayala) Iso (Xiaoyi Chen) Inferno (Dante Pertuz)
Here are more suggestions I have for diverse champions. Nightmask Iron fist (Lin Lie) Goliath (Bill Foster) Outlaw (Nigel Higgins)
Going into 2025 I think there should be more diverse champions in the game. Warpath Shaman Talisman Firebird Red wolf Snowguard Mandarin Luna snow Cecilla Reyes Nakia Blue marvel Armor Forge Moses Magnum Cottonmouth (Burchell Clemens) Cottonmouth (Cornell Stokes) Bushmaster (John Mclver) Diamondback (Willis Stryker) Abdul…