Kw4zy ★
I’m scared to do them again in case they ban me or something for taking advantage of their mistake 😂😂
Well my last dollar has been spent on this game. Final straw
Same here
Having issues as well. Seems to work okay in daily quests but not ACT 7
This is a great idea and would be so helpful!!
It came and went fast lol
Just wait until there is official word. Don’t need to get a temp ban for taking advantage of their bug/mistake.
It’s supposed to be
Yep. I never personally use them but I saw a timer on them this morning and got hopeful for a positive change
iPhone 11 iOS 13.15.1 Same as everyone else. Game crashes as soon as I try to open it
I was right in the middle of a rift
Heroic difficulty in EQ, 4 hours ago or so.
Same here
I’ve been playing the game since the beginning, joined an alliance who happened to have some Chicago based members like me. Ended up meeting up with 3 of them at hooters one Saturday afternoon after a few months of playing and talking. All these years later and these 3 men, who I call my brothers now, are standing up in my…
Being stuck in a rift and game goes out is frustrating
What’s your normal weekly AQ plan? And how many points do you tend to hit? We are currently in a Gold 2 alliance but looking to do bigger and better. I have 4-5 guys myself included looking for a possible transition. Line ID is Kw4zy
Well apparently it does considering it is coming back and the people were wrong. Way to be rude to people for no reason.
I’m losing out on my dungeon points I was about to claim. This is the 2nd or 3rd time this has happened to me. Kind of getting fed up
Why are dungeons still active?
It’s also doing that for me as well
Yeah and I was in the middle of a dungeon with my top cosmic guys being used. And of course they won’t compensate anyone.