
  • News to me.Thank you for the response! Gives me something else to play around and hope I can get some damage in now.
  • I made a post about this a few minutes ago and was told they mentioned this in a previous live stream. They said the new currency will be added next month for Paragons and Valiant players, with Valiant being able to earn extra credits for her.
  • Thank you for your response :) Unfortunately I don't get to view the live streams here and rely on second hand recaps from YouTube. But that's pretty mint all the same. Of course I would expect extra currency for Valiants. I'm just glad I'm Paragon so I can maybe save for her
  • First Ascension was Kate Bishop, second Ascension was Hercules. Gotta say I felt dirty doing the same ascension as 80% of our community but yano, it needed to be done.
  • (First ever forum comment) As an owner of an unduped R2 7* Venom myself, I can honestly say I have Zero regrets 7* I own currently: Overseer duped, Morbius, Spidergwen, Storm X, Hawkeye, Mangog, Killmonger and Venom.