
  • Same here bro, a lot of people are reporting this. Kabam are a joke, partially fix evade bug and then introduce a new parry and bp bug. These cannot be conincidences anymore. They are scams.
  • Half of these 'No' comments will be Kabam moderators. You all forget how many accounts they have duplicated/banned or even created. From my two year experience of this game. Most Kabam sympathisers are few and far between. This is by far the worst company and service that I have ever dealt with. They have completely sunk…
  • Amazing how you only show up Mike when Kabam has issues. If only you put this amount of dedication into dealing with players queries who knows people might actually complain less. Bet you think your god on this forum closing down threads, well if it makes you feel big and powerful then you can continue the rest of your…
  • Most of you all seem to be missing the apparent issue at hand here - customer dissatisfaction. MCoC users are more than never infuriated by this game as each respective post suggests. The cost, the bugs, the cost because of the bugs, the cost in terms of time spent. Your posts show one thing, they show you certainly may…