LionSky ★
My fav are two one is gwenpool goes to the movies and second is one where we collect infinity stones which gives power to our og champs like hulk , og captain america that event was most fun.
In my main account I was looking for blade for 5 years so I choose skill abyss and this is my 5th skill abyss and I got a 6star blade and I am very happy with a blade. Until now I have only a 4star version. I know that his era was long gone but still i am a big fan of blade og trinity.
I reached thronbraker and prof x helped me alot in grandmaster reverse control phase and total revive used in this fight is 5 single 20%. I am just one title away from catching my main 5 year progression. I have enough mats to rnk 1 6star to rnk4 While I hope I get one rnk 3 to 4 gem from rnk reward and and I will do eop…
Silk in them I got one that why I know but don't know about onslaught.
I got enough material to rnk3 one 6star and currently in act6.4.6 will be thronebreaker today. I am sad when I get 2 prof x from 7star then i realised he will help in reverse control phase otherwise I have to do herc with 46 revive.
Thnx it worked
This Banquet is good for me the change :- 6star - 5 to 19 5star- 39-47 7star- 0-1 I duped prof x 7star
Bro my 5star ascend hercules and 5star max hyperion do the job for me.
I thought of giving some quick update before banquet start. I am now in act6.4.1 and I have 39 5star and 5 6star. And i farmed more units and now I have 10.7k unit
I am hunting for 5star or 6star balde in my main account for 4 years but i have only 4 star version. I tried abyss nexus but still no blade I don't know when I get one.
I enjoyed this month quest and the part I like is the story and dialogues these are funny. It been a long time since I read any story and enjoyed it. I appreciate kabam for this story.
Day 6 today I reached 9735 unit and today I stoped grind arena as i calculated I get 60 unit from allaince event and 1050 from banquet milestone so in total 1110 unit add to my 9735 unit is 10845 unit and i will farm remaining 155 unit from daily 21hr event and act4 exploration. My challenge ends today and thnx for ur…
Today on day 6 starting i opened 200 regular arena crystal and now I reached 9491 unit
Day5 and i reached 8801 unit and 391k battlechips
It was like last year u have to wait to contribute points and any milestone ur allaince will achieve before ur contribution u can get it no need to worry just find another allaince bro.
I already done those bro now I am doing contender and uncollected difficulty as only they left.
Day 4 and I reached 8534 unit and 318k battlechips
Day 3 of my challange Today I reached 8374 unit and 264k battlechips
Until I reach 10k units
Today I reached 8160 units and 215k battlechips.
Today I reached 7851 units and 160k battlechips
I am spending nothing in my main but spending 11k unit in my f2p uncollected account which i created 24 days ago.
I don't like quake and tigra. I like champs who have simple Play style like ghost, hercules, Dr doom and champions who can do damage through block like massacre, hulkling, Valkyrie. My fav massacre.
Rhino is best he has unstoppable and unblockable attack. Very easy to play just dash back and dash forward. He is XL champion also good in varients. Good defender. He has a horn which other champs not have. Bro what u want from him he is equal to Hercules.
Only 1 spot left
We got 2 spot free who intrested contact me my game id LionSky