LorDofThund3r ★
Wait up!!!!!! kabam said 3 months after champion is released we’ll have reviewed and analyzed the data. If it need a small balance up or down we will notify the player base before it gets into the basic crystal pool. Well kabam he is in the basic crystal and he has been out for 6-7 months. What would you say to that?
Is Cull already in the basic crystals?
The guy is just a hater don’t even mind him. Prolly doesn’t even have Cull.
BDL Time. Come get some Kabam.
I’m done no more spending for me. Not worth it you guys don’t deserve my money. I dropped a lot of money to get Cull. Hopefully everyone stops spending and the company can file bankruptcy.
Cull was out about 6 months before that announcement buddy.
Also you did not say that when Cull was out. you recently announced the changes to champs case by case. Soooo you should only do it to new and featured champs after the annoucnment. not champs that people already maxed.
I disagree he needs to get much more then that.
What utility are you talking about all he has is the damage when you rank Him up and that is very hard to do without using items.
All he has going for him is the damage. No immunities no block prof. If you take away his attack and least give him bleed immunity like CG. Can’t just screw people over.
Are you out of your mind. Who is going to pay me back all the money I spent to get Cull????? I want my money back or my rank Down ticket and all the sig stones I used to max sig him.