Lord_Apex666 ★
okay think there is a bug using Hulk I tried with DOOM and cleared her, might just be a glitch but I will try again with my Hulk to test
I was doing the fight with my R3 Hulk maybe that caused the crash
I will try that but think it will do the same will reply back when I can, need my champs freed to try again
I did that and got random computer generated replies from it its still bugged and cannot clear that one silly quest due to it now
So I am guessing I will not get any reply on this issue/bug. Not great support from you at KABAM seriously!!!
Useless, I complained for everyone last month and got warned, yet there is no fix to this error at all!
GSpace worked for me no issues since, plus I have google services now, finally.
It works just maybe some phones wont support it I noticed that my device even though its a P40 picked on email as a Huawei Mate 20, weird but works like a charm now. Plus got my Throne Breaker title finally. Couldnt play so hit it this morning hard
All sorted @SupermanGod
What I did notice is the champs that are causing the issues when you go to fight say someone like Toad it will do a update screen but will download files right away that are missing and your good to go, this will happen with all the 2022 champs causing the bug. Good luck @SupermanGod
Once it is installed open it, there are some permissions you must allow, then it will also download some files needed for the app. once it is running it will open a screen with loads of google apps, I chose to install GMAIL, it took me straight to the google play login screen from there login and you should be good to go…
Thanks for this info it worked for me and now playing without any issues
1.Yes 2.Huawei P40 3.android latest 4.Mobile Data
Fair enough but things need to be fixed we are all losing a lot of gameplay here let alone alliance events and quests, which is the most annoying part of this whole issue.
@"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Porthos" @"Kabam Vydious" @"Kabam Lyra" Some sort of update for us players, I pay for things in game and now cannot even do what I want to do in the game due to this utter rubbish error on your behalf!!!! Where is our fix????
Its KABAM you wait till they feel like helping us android users!!! Utter bull if you ask me!!!
Guessing no reply or a update for the community??? Disappointing to say the least.
Come on KABAM this is very frustrating now, you are forcing players to leave your game for something so stupid and petty, fix this issue now it cant be that hard to fix!!!