
  • I’m confused. Previously they said the quest would run for two months, until January. But I just got a mail in the game saying it will end on December 11th (see screenshot). The information feels contradictory - do I have until January to do all of it, or do I need to hurry up and finish 2015-2019 now?
  • In game name: Lord Goliath Using an iPhone 6S Since the update today, my game has started crashing before every single fight. It’s utterly ridiculous. Everything takes twice as long as it should, I’m using extra boosts because the crashing and restarting takes up so much time, and I’m losing crucial arena fights. This is…
  • Please, please, I’m begging you, do not vote for guillotine. She’s my top champ, I’ve just taken her to 5/65, and she’s absolutely perfect for questing the way she is. Great base damage, rare but powerful debuffs, no buffs, not overly reliant on specials. She is an absolute beast and her simplicity is a big part of why I…