Lord_Of_The_Kabams ★
Well I saw seatin r4 kamala and she is SIGNIFICANTLY better than moonknight. Swedeah and others have also proven tha howard, magneto and deadpool x force have more damage and more utility than mk. If you ask me its him, groot and hulkbuster who need a rework the most - after colossus of course.
Dude I bought 10 prems early 2017 back in the day and got gwenpool on 10th as a four star. Id gladly pay 1k units for her - especially when she, voodoo, sl were the best champs in the game
Unlucky dude @Milan1405 - and its not like moonknight has any reedeming qualities. If kabam dont want to put champs like starky and blade in the 6star pool for fear of them being overpowered, then dont ******* put champs like mk and dpx force for people to get!!!!
Look man everyones telling you to go hyperion in general (i agree) but you gotta just choose the one you like more as you will do better with them.
Probs gonna be around 2.8 mil
Yeah @Milan1405 @DNA3000 my friend is working in quantum markov chain realm and he started telling me about how you could model this problem using a very new and not very understood area of maths/physics at the moment - then I got lost lol. He started talking about eigenvectors etc. Also appreciate the information you guys…
Hey man so what would be the probability of getting an awakening gem if someone could only do 8 rifts?
I think autofight should just be you automatically win the fight if ur champs pi is higher than opponents - it would not be game breaking and far more useful
Exactly @Crkwest gem will always be there and vision is one of the best power control champs in the game