
  • List of next Spiderman characters: * Superior Spiderman * Spiderman Noir * Spider Punk * Silk * Silver Sable * Sandman * Lizard * Shocker * Tombstone * Morbius * Hobgoblin * Prowler
  • Hello, I'm sorry if I made some grammatical mistakes, my original language is not English. And don't worry, I'm not mad at you, a joke is a joke. But I'd still like to know if anyone else agrees that they should change the names of the characters to their comic book counterparts.
  • Cosmic: Sif Tech: Viv Vision Mystic: Clea Science: Weapon H Skill: Daredevil (Elektra) Mutant: Onslaught
  • * Weapon H * * Sandman * * Dracula * * Hellcat * * Sif * * Tombstone * * Typhoid Mary * * Viv Vision * * Morbius * * Bullseye * * Hobgoblin * * Prowler *