
  • Typical Kabam lol. I used Stealth-Suit Spidey with his slow pre-fight. Didn’t even need to throw a special attack- his damage with the guaranteed crits did the job rather easily.
  • Unfortunately with your 7* roster (unless you have more hidden away), doesn’t look like you’ll get any ideal scenarios. May have to do a path an extra time or do a long rough right against MM. Last team I can think of is 6* Herc, 7* Venom & 7* whoever. If you can max out Deep Wounds, Venom can do the MM fight. It won’t be…
  • I had used 7* Venom, 7* Onslaught & 6* Herc for the left side. So for you, I’d swap out Herc and bring in maybe gladiator? I used Herc for Photon & iDoom, Venom for Adam Warlock, and then Onslaught for Mole-man. Keep buffs low for Gladiator and you’ll probably be fine 😅. Alternatively, you could throw in 7* Werewolf for…
  • Same thing happened to me yesterday. After a couple of hours waiting, I submitted a ticket to Kabam. They didn’t really say anything help, but probably two hours after sending them replying, i noticed it was fixed. Maybe a coincidence? Maybe not.