MandieLou827 ★
Thanks bud I’m super excited for him! I know nothing about him but threw a generic on him anyways! Lol
You literally took 100+ hits just to get him down that low on health and to fire more specials to try and get that hit count lowered. Yes that looks TRASHHHHH. 🤣
3 minutes? And that’s with him having to be low on health to even do that. Thanks for proving my point…his “utility” isn’t worth that nobody is going to need a kindred for questing when there are many better options out there. He’s practically useless for questing and very underwhelming. The fact that you’re satisfied by…
It looks very weak, considering you have to be low health to even start ramping up mediocre damage, and considering how sustainable he is, yeah. That is very weak.
No, it is not. My rank 3 korg does more damage than my 7* Kindred. It’s been tested and can make videos if you’d like.
Doubt it, keep in mind that this is a fully boosted, full suicides, Rank 2 7* as a horseman. Without suicides or boosts she’s nowhere near this.
Korg has a much higher damage output than Kindred, I understand where y’all are coming from though
Appreciate the insight everyone, think I’ll keep focusing on the higher tier 6*s until I start getting better 7*s. Definitely going to take up dragonman at some point though!
$40 on Dani’s crystal and $100 on Kindred which also pulled Silk. I got pretty lucky. Very undecided what I’m going to do with Kindred, hoping they raise his damage output a little. He’s a great defender though.
Tell me that you’re jealous without telling me that you’re jealous. If I was bragging my whole roster would be up here, keep hating though.
Alright, I like that answer. It’s just gold is mainly what I struggle with and it goes so fast! By the time I get a 6*ranked to at least R4 I’m pulling another 6* that I want to rank. I’m getting backed up over here 😭
I appreciate you hearing me out, I’m sure you will come to the same conclusion I have as I’ve used him everywhere that I possibly can right now. I always over use newer champs when I get them.
Seriously. Not asking for him to be OP, but I really like the guy I’d really love to be able to get some use out of him where I get to ACTUALLY play with him rather than put him on defense. Come on Kabam..
I completely agree with you, I’m not seeing any decent numbers at all though, granted he’s unawakened but to only have decent numbers at low health is just terrible when awakened. Especially when he’s so sustainable, as of now where he stands he is great as a defender. Which is what they were aiming for but no champ these…
Obviously, but this rebalancing program was created for a reason. Champs should be more balanced, yes he is meant more as a defender, but none are intended to be completely useless on offense either. I think you need to get with the program sir. You can take that comment back when he is rebalanced here in a few months.
Bump :)
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