Manny_petty ★
slashed tires deals 50% of the defenders attack as direct damage when u dash back
good thinking. that's why we are going to add a Corvus boss with 4 persistent charges, nullify immunity, unblockable finale and slashed tires
id also like to see chthon
or a doom that doesn't lose power from using specials
Lmao why not aspect of nightmares with heal reversal
Sym supreme with buffed up and spite would very fun and interactive
Mordo isnt too bad if u hav ghost, and mr sinister was hung to death so........
Lmao out about the magneto "tweak"? If not fur that, then Kabam, Bring it on
Oh. ok
Claire the best mystic what does doom have to compare He dies in a hole
the monster and hunter crystals are in the soul boost store
Lmao wut if ur bad at dexing his specials? and did u know all of his attacks are doing 40 percent more damage, and ur block will kill u. if u can quake without getting hit (which I can), then that is ur best hope
Hyperion should switch with kamala