Mappu ★
It’s a bug currently on Omega Sentinel, auto block triggers randomly and you lose armors and so is her pausing ability isn’t working right now as intended.
Hit monkey example was to showcase that it relates to DNA’s explanation. Critical hit number reduced against Doom. Corvus example was to showcase that explanation on these numbers aren’t explicit in general. His base critical hit number isn’t mentioned anywhere. Only critical damage bonus if I’m not wrong.
So, can we confirm that’s wrong / bug? Because going by DNA’s comments. And the duel we tried. R5 HitMonkey vs R3 Doom- 3097 critical rating hit as the first critical hit. R5 HitMonkey vs R3 Blade - 3500 critical rating hit as the first critical hit. — this is how it should behave, reducing critical hit received by Doom.…
Correlating to my above comments, Doom will not resist critical hits on all hits if he has 40% chance for example. Because almost all champions critical rating is at 20%. This example should work with any champions against doom.
Again, my apologies if triggered by title of the post. That was just mean to be funny. Any explanations of the above event in fight is welcome.
My apologies, I didn’t know how to react to that calculation and I reacted badly. So, to explain, for example percentage of chance means, “the probability of certain chance occurring in 1 event is 35% means it’s 35% chance. And probability of a chance occurring in 100 events means that 35 events is predicted to have that…
Reliably is the key word. But there would be always chances but not 0 chance.
Nah, the tag line was to just bring this post some attention. But the math of how critical resistance works is incorrect from the above comments.
Haha, I had a good laugh. That’s not how math works. Percentage is the key word. Doom had 35% chance to resist critical hit meaning among say 10 critical hits, Doom will resist 3.5 of those hits from happening as critical. Do not think the world you know is everything the world has to offer. There’s much more to learn.
Disagree, same fight and node. Took R5 Kraven and he lands critical hits. Amongst 118 hits chances not to land crit with AV is an anomaly whichever way you slice it to assume.
Additional info below.