Marlboro_845 ★
Still looking
We are Looking . My line ID Marlboro845 ‘ ingame :Qi-Augmenting . I think you guys are perfect fit for us
In game ID:Qi-Augmenting
Relaxed alliance still earn rewards with little play , and have live outside the game .
Looking for fill up the alliance
Just join plz we are open
In game : Qi-Augmenting
Looking for one more !!!
Still looking
I had iPhone X for a week , unplayable ! Now i’m Happy with the 8 . The screen sensitivity was horrible on iPhone X , hold block and swipe back are way off
I am experiencing same problem here , I am using iPhone , I think it’s screen sensitive is way off , I was try to a path in 5.3.3 . And champs are not moving and blocks to my fingers movements . Ok I blocks and still getting hits , sometime swipe back it’s moving forward, the champs can’t not hold still ! Wtf
Defender kills points are only 50 points each compare to losing more that 8k of points in diversity points with last two wars we had, regardless of 100% completion
Add me in Line for invite
Yea I saw that ! Thx
All I get is golds! Think I'm done opening uncollected arena crystal , I get more units with regular arena crystals
We donate even on free AQ ,that way we can keep it low
Our map6 completed in 30mins timers
so it's the game not my connection problem ,thought was my connection, had to to unplug my wifi , still in the loading screen
How much golds do u want me to have , plus this is my second opening with 5 uncollected arena crystal , I do 5 at a time