MasterAss10000 ★
MasterAss10000 GGC Definitely Mr Negative holding heavy evade
2nd year running so 2 ggcs🤣
oh i see thanks
5* squirrel girl, 5* Hulk, 6* Hood T-T T-T
Surtur Galactus
Currently at 5.2 masochism quest but aiming for Uncollected/post-uncollected
Any insight would help bc im rly not sure
IGN: MasterAss10000 Prize: 2 ggc(1st place) or 1 ggc(2nd place) Best thing: pulling Hyperion,CMM and nick fury in a row
Wow really?
Act 4 is crazy long I gave up halfway
Yep @AznBane finding good players are tough...try to look for players
Haha sorry @AznBane I'm looking for a more well developed alliance bcos my alliance has a bunch of free loading players that are smh above 200k pi
@AznBane my summoner name is same as my forums username...and I'll join after I claim summoner advancement rewards from my current alliance
Done @AznBane
Lol Xmas monke it was a dare from a friend to change my name to that
Ok thx guys :)