Mathstadon ★
Who actually enjoys the actual fights of arenas?? I’m seeing people say the fights are more challenging and “NoT BoRiNg”... arena is about getting as many points as possible in the quickest amount of time allotted you’re not supposed to enjoy the fights you arena noobs defending this new system because it’s your first time…
I am getting duped 6* R3 teams of the exact same teams with my lowest pi R4 5*’s. These fights are taking way too long even with suicide mastery it’s almost 50 hits since the arena changes went live. This needs to be fixed.
I’m getting double pi champs at every match I’m past the infinite streak (streak 24) running suicides each fight is almost 50 hits my lower R4 champs are getting matched up with R3 duped 6*’s it’s unbearable to get through a round of my champs.
These rewards are sick!!
Use colossus and read champion abilities man 🙄
I’m no rocket scientist but as a map 6 alliance I got refunded 3 tickets for my 5 months back of alliance quest donations 😂
I got 3 tickets refunded, our alliance runs map 6, and the conversion cost 3 tickets cost 19,562 gold. I know for a fact I donated much more than that to run map 6. 175k a week for 5 months? Ripped off!
When is this so called update happening? You all have known of this issue for 20 days and still no fix. Absolutely no excuse for this mess!
Yes he does.
I’m receiving a fatigue debuff after launching an l3 with any champion. How am I getting this debuff if you can only get the debuff from evades?
I put up 12 mil every arena to grow my roster Are we going to be compensated for the way this game is performing? I’m missing out on 5* and 6* shards every arena because the way this update is affecting my phone and gameplay!
Device and model: iPhone 7plus Device operating system: iOS 12.0 public beta Cellular or WiFi: both Game version installed: 19.0.0 Game mode: arena Description of the issue: after about 6 rounds of arenas the volume cuts out the gameplay starts to lag, cannot swipe to access notifications center and control center volume…