Mattstar4 ★
I can't even 🤣🤣. Maybe in a few years... if/when I have expiring catalysts in my overflow. But, that would be an interesting flex lol
Oh hes not the worst, by any means. Im just not a huge fan of his play style. Plus, I have so many I was hoping to dupe. But, this is the way lol
Well, looks the multiverse is gonna have to wait a while longer then lol
Thank you for your kindness during this season of grief. Lol. I mean, I have to laugh to keep from crying
Bump to top.. and we're actually 9.5 mil alliance now
Bump to the top.. we are looking for 1-2!
Yeah I've made it to 4.4 of road to labyrinth. So I've deal with a lot of the spiked armor? And thanks for the input!
Sorry for the confusion and thanks for the help
Ok so yeah it's substantially lower.. my actual prestige is only 3582
Thanks for the help
Let me remove this thread then and post it accurately
Ohh ok. Gotcha..i thought it was with masteries
And my line Id is tobias-titus-gideon if anyone is still interested
Unless I'm figuring wrong. I assumed it's top 5 champs divided by 5
My top champs are 5879, 4700, 4559, 4553, 4517.. do the math on it
Should've rounded down to 4800
Sorry I was off a little.. my bad
Excuse me.. my prestige is actually 4841.6
How many openings do you have?
Still need a few
What's your in game name?
Still need 2 more! Join us
Mgkdragon what's your in game name? Ricardo do you have any champs for aw defense? And If so what rank? If you have more than 5 +4* rank 3 or up we'd love to have ya.
Back to top. Still looking for 3
Welcome Nuegrass
Come on peeps. Back to top
I can't login either. It was fine last night but not today