Maxgames81 ★
So when I open the game I get on the screen with Guardian and the game name “Marvel Contest of Champions”, down the bottom right it says loading and is actively loading but I can never actually get into the game. I have missed out on the game for the past 2-3 days because of this and have been missing out on time to play.…
There’s my calendar
I don’t know when I hopped on about 20-30 minutes ago it was at the end of the event quest tab and the calendar was there and I had already claimed the admission key (named “Sample Collector”)
Has anybody else already accidentally wasted the sample collector (admission key) for the event. I understand I am silly for the mistake of leaving directly after entering the quest but I never knew I had received the key and never knew the quest required a key. Kabam should make the admission key consumed only when the…