It is not fun at all. My full health doc octopus 4/40 died without taking single hit in master assessment. So tech champs r also fail against her. I cant drain her power using vision 50% of time
The main Bug is Her white Hair and dark eye is in Left side in display Icon while it's in right side in Playing character. So she is visually as well as mechanically bugged
thanks all of you for ur support
I did it with hela 4/40, but i was caught once by his sp1, in ur case vision will work great. only strategy is to push him to sp2
I wud choose bishop, he is very good against magic, electro , any energy based attacker and against skill champs, u get to sp2 faster than above opponent , fire sp2 and its over most of the time in story and event quest. I find him very effective in short fights
opened 7 crystal and got only one 3 star other 2 stars , i should have read this earlier
Double dash back is pain to perform now, lol i m being caught by Venom SP2, blackbolt and Ip sp2 even. you have to keep distance. u can successfully evade once but as soon as u try second dash, u r already caught.
synergy with sabretooth makes him amazing
It's getting decreased little, I have also noticed that regen with willpower also getting decreased, the opponent loose health by 3 to 5 hp gradually compared to start off. apply debuff in arena and see.
Got 5 star Carnage today :'( :'( :'(