Can't find you in Line Same user ID?
That ID isn’t working...look me up in game if still looking Medik 101
Can't find that Line ID...what's your in game?
What do you mean a "grinding" alliance? What are you looking for in terms of AQ/AW?
How do I get a hold of you in game?
Didn't come through yet... I'll try sending one your way
What are you looking for in an alliance?
We are a perfect fit... Going to run staggered maps in AQ under the new system (2xmap5+1xmap3) and 2 BG wars. If interested in checking us out my IGN is medic10617
Hey Lunar, we could be a good fit for you. The new season will allow us to stagger BG maps, so we will be running map 5+3 simultaneously in different BG. You will get the best of both worlds, and would be able to move between if needed. IGN - medic10617
Pm'd you
Frak em if they do
I'm having trouble figuring why I keep devoting time to this game's usually the casino effect of spinning crystals and the rush of getting something new...but at this point just trying to play the basic function of the game is like spinning a PHC...all anticipation and more often than not disappointment. I…
Device and Model : Google Pixel XL Device Operating System: 8.1 Cellular or WiFi: Both - more so on cellular than wifi Game Version Installed: 19.0 Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? arena + Aw/aq Description of the Issue: Considerable lag, freeze and screen fragmenting. Device began to get extremely hot…
PM’d you
Are you map 5x5?
I'll definitely keep you in mind if this current group doesn't work out @ss1100 . I've got some rescued animals myself...
Interested....let me know if you have any spots
re you still running map 4/3/3/2/2 or have you moved up?
I could be interested. Let me know what you have open
What time zones are you primarily in as a group?
I'm looking...might be a pair of us.
Hey...Exiles... we're the Runaways...and we are in the same boat as you. But we have an established treasury and a war rating. Any interest in talking about a merger? We have 15 currently, avg player rating of 290k. Looking at map 3 for now, but if the team we build can go further we will definitely be open to trying it…
Hey Mr...I literally just dropped down to do the exact same things with my current ally...was in 13m ally and it was exhausting after 6 months. Long and short, this group I'm in is former allies going through a rough break after a failed merger. We are 15 strong, all 290k + and we are gonna do map 3 for now and…
We have 15 and rebuilding, currently 4.5 mil... running map 3 but may progress as we get more people. Avg player is 290k, we just had a previous merger go bad. So we aren't looking for a ringer to come in and carry us. Just another laid back adult that wants to chill...
Thanks but we already have a partner alliance that's 13mil.
Just friended you in game...we may be able to help each other out.
Have you found a place yet? Line ID is the same as this handle. Look me up,might be able to find a fit for you.
@veeteetee hot me up on LINE... Medik101... Might be able to help you out.
@veeteetee hot me up on LINE... Medik101... Might be able to help you out.
Looking for the same...need a break from Map 5+ and high teir AW...