MightyDZA ★
Like all new things, I’m sure this will take time to adjust to. I’m also sure that for every 25 people complaining, there are 25 folks who simply don’t care or can’t be coerced into debating things ultimately out of our control on a forum. That being said, can we find the middle ground here and make this an opt-in…
For me, it’s a combination of the system being conceived and/or executed poorly, but, more importantly, the resources (time, energy, manpower etc) put into this instead of something with a meaningful impact to the players that makes me upset. I have no problem at all with Kabam trying to quantify champs strengths and…
I believe they’re being paid to further develop the game in terms of characters and content, while simultaneously trying not to pull away from the iceberg so sharply the massive, MASSIVE hole in the stern isn’t ruptured further because they failed to patch it correctly before going full throttle…if that fits the analogy…
It would bring individual skill into the equation more, as well as a huge risk/reward factor that could potentially create the separation between good and Great War allys. Good idea mate!
Have no idea what any of you are talking about. Pulled these gems today…
My main problem with this is that I feel like this is somehow the answer to the community asking Kabam to make the rest of our rosters more relevant. Limiting certain champion’s use does not equate to making other champs more relevant. I have no problem using other champs in war, but I do have a problem that the pool of…
I’ve been disconnected 4 times now while trying to set up the new AQ week. I get to say 5 and attempt to save, only to see that glorious disconnect icon and then the “You’ve been disconnected” screen. Anyone else having this issue?
what does youtuber got to do with it? Do you not understand how that works? The majority of your big YT streamers invest that donation money right back into the game to whale away, or in some cases even make a living from it. Bc of that success, they can then piss away any thoughts of having a job, a family, a life outside…
Congrats to all the YT streamers and whales on all the new characters only you can access because you have the rosters and means to hit these ridiculous milestones. Kabam, just be upfront with your player base that you have no ideas that will benefit anyone with anything relevant to player growth besides investing $$…
Glad to hear it’s working for you. My ally chat is also full of these complaints, my fault for assuming.
Again, I understand what things can stop a parry from happening like aar and specific nodes/abilities. This has happened against characters like Gambit, ThorJF, OG Spiderman...characters that have no business shrugging off a parry with no nodes on them. This has happened many times to me on a wide selection of my champs…
No, normal fights. Not debuff immune, no masochism, no reason for it whatsoever. I'm level 60 and have been playing for 3 years, I understand the difference between node-based failures and non-specific failures. This is most definitely the latter of the two.
Wasn't one of the points that most were arguing for in basically every complaint ever to somehow lessen the reliance on specific champs? Basically it's Void or bust. Seems counterintuitive. Just saying.
I've fought the same Gwenpool twice now, won both times, and it won't clear her to let me move to the next fight in War. Absolutely ridiculous.
NVM, worked after 10 minutes of trying again.