
  • Okay, i just cant understand what do you want to achieve with your post @Ad0ra_ . These issues already had/have negative impact to our phones and as your customers we are asking to do just a few simple tasks. 1. An in-game note that warns all players about the overheat problem. You cannot honestly believe that issues like…
  • Some people (as my self) did this without knowing the actual impact on the device hardware - as sometimes phones heating up randomly when running heavy duty apps. All these days i had 2 restarts and tried to play 15-20minutes only when my iPhone had a normal temperature. A multi million company is responsible to make an…
  • iPhone 7+ iOS 12.0 Okay, i just noticed a new symptom. Even on my main menu i get random spikes and decolorization in some places of my screen. I am certain that this was caused by overheating the device which had major impact to my components (GPU burned?). One day before the 19.0 update i had 98% battery health and a…
  • iPhone 7+ iOS 11.4 and 12.0 beta I have the same issues that already mentioned by community. This is a generic problem - take a look the views/posts on this thread and do the math. And this is just a small portion of the affected players, as I can confirm that all Apple users that I know of experience the same problems.…