
  • Hi all. Just to say that I practiced a lot during the last 3 days on my KM 5R3. I can now 100% use his sp2 without any block or miss, and you were all right about my timing : he was really wrong. So I just need to say : thank you all for your help. ;-) Have a great day.
  • Thanks all for your answers, and try to resolve this problem. You re all probably right with my timing. What I just don t understand, is that I played him a lot 4R5 maxed, and I never had these problems. Then I Pulled the 5 star version A few weeks ago, and I could finally use my awaking gem that was in stock since 1 year…
  • It happens a lot for me too since a few weeks. Mine is 5R3 duped and used in my main team every day, so "bad timing" is not an issue. I know how react my champ, I know when I play bad, and I'm sure of what I say. It happens on 5 hits combo, or 4 hits. It seems that when SP2 is launched, KM is jumping 1st in the animation,…
  • I only have 5R4 in my main team, which is really good for a casual player like me (even if I spend more than 2 hours / day, I m casual regarding some players). Usually, in month's quests, I m able to do in Epic mode Chapters 1&2 100%. Chapter 3 I never do 3.2 , only 1 patch, cause it's hard for me, and 1 try is enouth. For…
  • +1 for the hood. Ranked him 5R4, duped sig 60. He does more than the job, cause he's now in my main team. Played with Ghost, I learned to play Ghost without Wasp, and it s a pleasure now. The Hood is my best champ against opponents with a lot of buffs. Against Hyperion too. Power Drain, invisibility. when synergy with…
  • It's in the Ghost description. Her critical hits can't be evaded.
  • You can also use the Hood. No fury = no Unstoppable. There's only at the beginning of the fight, you just have to let the 1st one. And then she's easy.