I use the below team and collosus is efficient(more than)... 3 mutants - Collosus , Omega red , Gambit(6*) 1Tech - Guardian(6*) 1 cosmic - Vision Arkus Except vision Arkus, All the other champs have synergy with collosus. I can counter tech champs with Arkus and guardian. Without synergy his damage is comparatively low,…
It depends on your mastery and champions. Show me your roster.
Go for Falcon. His lock on is super effective against some annoying defenders in aw and aq. So Go for him if you are in a great need of evade counter. He has a good damage potential too.
Try for Dual pack since the probability of getting better champs are good. My alliance mate wanted a mystic champ and he got 5* doom from science and mystic dual pack.