Mr_incredibl3 ★
I'd wait to see if you pull domino i have both and that synergy is insane
Sorry didn't see that my bad
Its the dog i forgot his name. lock or something its black bolts dog
I thought boomerang was D.C. i guess im dumb
Same Im very childish 😂
Love the mega mind meme
Thats because it makes zero since ps. I didnt dislime it but I understand why they whould
Yeah same thing is happening to me i I Dont know why.
I personally love him but that might be just me and also he was my first maxed out champ so... Must mean something right?
Thank you @winterthur and @Tony886 but @X_Factor_Agent you confused me
It's funny that was a joke but now it might be for real lol 😆
In game domino comics dead pool
Dude thats spider man 😂😂😂
IGN ^ Same as the one up there
Sure why not
I said 2* arena but don't they do that any way?
2nd was domino
I want to know to. And why do i not see the tier 4 ticket in store?
You do realize you can get a 5* that means its not going to be "easy"
You have 3 5*s and you are level 50? Im level 35 and i have 3
You didn't really need to show it 😂
Love the veggie tails in the back ground
Very well made. Hope there yours if so you are doing great if not get off forms please
I dont know what to say to you man its kabam's choice ultimately
Drax is so good for memes lol
I have been waiting for ever to understand her back story
Every one is talking about how marvel is mean to thor but he got messed up too and he is mortal.