
  • Please give us: Quicksilver Major Victory Fantomex Hiro-Kala Adam Warlock Gladiator Beta Ray Bill Wiccan Hulkling Gorr the God Butcher Manifold Ikon the Spaceknight of Galador Wraith (aka Zak-Del, Kree phantom) Gorgon (of the Royal Inhumans) Ares Drax (classic purple suit) Blue Marvel Spectrum (Monica Rambeaux) Starbrand…
  • My wishlist: Major Victory Gorgon (of the Royal Inhumans) Quicksilver Adam Warlock Gladiator Beta Ray Bill Super-Skrull Hulkling Fantomex Hiro-Kala Blue Marvel Spectrum (Monica Rambeaux) Starbrand America Chavez Daimon Hellstrom Worthy Captain America (Endgame) Thor with Mjolnir & Stormbreaker (Endgame) Ancient One (MCU…