Update: Joined an alliance atm. Not looking for alliance now.
Prestige can be increased to 15.4k, have the sigs to do so. Also, you can reach out to me if you guys are platinum 3/4 alliance. Will consider them as it's middle of the season. Thanks, have a nice day.
15.1k prestige atm, can go to 15.4k anytime. Looking for t1 aw alliance. Line ID: night100k
Just joined a p2 alliance. Still open to the conversation for solid p1 alliance offers till the start of the season.
Have 2r4 and 21 r3s. Have 8 t5ccs in inventory plus two 2-3 gems for rank ups. Highest experience is tier 2
just joined an alliance, thanks.
prefer stress free alliance that ranks in platinum comfortably