NBK1999 ★
It should have been out 50 minutes ago… with everything else that became available. I don’t mind a week off but at least tell us please lol
Just noticed that too, thanks for pointing it out! since the war ends during the off-season, it shouldn't affect anything war-ranking wise *crosses fingers*. would be great to have some confirmation from the game team though, since I'd hate to have my off-season rating affected by an off-season war just because it started…
Reading is hard lol. They’re investigating. They’ll let us know when it’s ready.
same here. also noticed that the root floor visual is gone. pretty rough to play the game vs champs that need these visuals as cues for dexing or parrying. (edi: apparently discord video links just take you to download... screenshots attached instead)
Superior Iron Man on the unique buff tactician boost works, someone in my BG used him this week and seems like he was a great substitute for hulkling
Right there with you. Not every champ has to be the most broken champ released to date. I wouldn’t mind a value tuneup on his furies but he’s far from unusable in his current state. Tbh you can get solid times on fights once you’re comfortable enough with him.
I know that multiple people at kabam (at least Crashed and DLL from what I remember) have stated that DV is not supposed to be on the same level as all the current meta champs. If they kept releasing champs as OP as those then the game would spiral out of control to become an unplayable mess (kabam's constant game-breaking…
Afaik we haven't heard anything about the size of health pools for that quest, or any other info besides the fact that it'll be locked behind all 4 other deathless champs. Regardless, I've been having fun with him and seen some decent results. I'm not saying that he's anywhere near the top of either the tech class or the…
This fight would be a lot easier for Deathless Vision if the Toad SOS ai wasn't literally hot garbage. my 7* r2 was faster than my r1 guilly 2099 solo, but that was after 2.5 hours of straight attempts with him. He could pretty easily do this fight if the AI acted like it normally did. I've been enjoying him otherwise, I…
Been a couple months since a new update, looks like the most recent champs are still Destroyer and Serpent. Can we expect a new update soon?
They said anyone who spent tickets will have them refunded probably by the end of today
It’s almost like making video games isn’t easy and people aren’t perfect… this is a super complicated game and it’s hard to tell the full reach and impact a champ will have when there are some super talented summoners out there who can push a champ as far as possible. Player response also impacts rebalances, so there’s an…
Plenty of relevance for apoc, as someone with a 6* r5 ascended version. Still a total beast, and if you don’t actually want to use him, horseman for other mutants is still a great option.
mobile could use some work but i'm excited to see the progress this makes. @Contest_Tracker is there any way to share your roster with other players (outside of just exporting it as an excel file)? if there is it'd make roster updates very useful for alliance officers trying to figure out diversity and such.
Did my completion run last night, had no red light/green light issues, but the phase 3 prompts disappear super quickly, barely on screen long enough to read sometimes.
Is this still a thing (and/or affecting all players)? Gonna be doing my first run soon but if he’s still bugged I might wait.
some people just read what they want to read lol
No, you’ve been able to join with teams under the recommended rating before. Not sure why that’s changed… but it just throws an error when I try now
Restarting didn’t fix it for me either, unfortunately.
I’ve also lost my entire stash, most of it wasnt even close to expiring! Wth happened?
TB relic crystals only have 3* relics? I let the crystal spin out entirely and didn’t even see a single 4* relic, let alone a 5*
i *shouldn't* be banned for it, since it was their mistake, but i also wouldn't put it past them to still ban me anyway because often they ban people who don't deserve it rather than the blatant cheaters.
lmao well i can't just yet and i dont wanna get banned when I am able to
hey @"Kabam Miike" just wanna follow up on this lmao, it's still in my inventory and there was no action taken last year, if the holiday gift is going to be a gift shop thing where i can select what i want, do i get to redeem both boxes (last year's and this year's)?
nah you mean it wouldn't be the first-time use of a new kabam system without bugs
Yep, still shows a reset for 8 days from now
Same for me, I'm an officer/leader in two different alliances and both are showing the same for me.
sorry for the delay on this lol, forgot to check back to see if anyone else had commented on the post. Device: iPhone X Device OS: iOs 14.2 Mobile Carrier: NA, this device doesn't have cellular Cellular or WiFi: No cellular, only WiFi Game Version: 31.0.1 (most recent update) Game Mode: Alliance Description Champs…
I did afterwards, it's working as intended now!
the issue is still happening to me, i imagine the emergency maintenance was to fix this but it didn't work