Narcuul ★
I’m glade I never brought up my AA. You guys hate him.
I feel like the problem is that they say they don't see the majority of game play issues, and assume it is the fault of the players device that is the root of everything. I use an Iphone 8 and have plenty of problems. I understand it is not the latest and greatest, but I feel it is new enough in this huge mobile device…
I have to disagree strongly with this. The fact that you had various things going on, don't stand next to him too long or he will hurt you, don't back off too long or he will regen is exactly what made this fight enjoyable. Adding challenge like this instead of cheesy new mechanics like reverse controls is exactly how I…
They have had better calendars in the past, and the heads up that there would be no miss-able days this month to get everything was very nice of them , but to call this month's calendar exciting was a big let down. All I see if a standard month with 3 days on the end that get you less than 1/10 of a 5*. Should have just…
Definitely not Mordo, he can be fun, but not that useful on offense. Mephisto has some use in locking down champs that self buff to give problems, like Hyperion and Medusa. Morningstar is one of the best champs in the game once you get her up to 5 souls, but she is kinda clunky to control, and you should play with her a…
Anything before the hyper-competitive atmosphere we have now, with reports of rampant cheating and shady tactics and he said/she said, all the while the nodes in war get harder and harder in an effort to drive revenue. This at the same time that new champions are flooding into the game designed to make you pay for every…
I think Voodoo's power burn is actually a buff on him, vs his power drain which is a debuff, part of the reason why he is so effective is the ability to either or . Just a shame that the versatility built into other champions isn't at the same level.
To be honest, I assume this quite likely the case, it just seems like a poor design for a game that is evolving at the incredibly rapid pace this one is with a constant flood of champions being introduced. I understand that every champion is not going to be good against every other champion, the main advantage for some…
It has always seemed that the game team has failed to look at the big picture when designing champions, and they have to consistently make questionable decisions after the fact to try and temper some of their releases (think Corvus, Proxima, Sabretooth not being villians). This seems no different. Whether this is true or…
Just in time for season 4, yay.
My math was all bad so never mind this.
My main point was only that I feel like this is setting a bad precedent, with abilities being designed with zero benefit to the player, only purely designed to screw us up. They already have nodes for this, no need to throw in abilities. These abilities have a tendency to start showing up for more and more characters, and…
So do I need to run them even without getting the rewards enough times to get the appropriate amount of points? If so, hope I don’t guess wrong...
I would like to know if I should run enough to get the solo quest rewards this go around or save them for next time, preferably prior to the quest ending for the day, thanks. I am currently affected by the bug and am not getting points, but need to make sure I don’t miss out on the final milestone rewards.
Probably 70% less likely since it lowers attack as well... so maybe it does have an effect on the player after all...
Yeah, this is just me being a smart-aleck, but that ability has 2 effects, one that may be useless to the computer, but the other that I sincerely doubt is. Of course, the inverted controls ability may do something else while it is active, I confess I did not read it super closely.
Spider-man SE taunts do not lower attack of the player?
I feel like the main thing I am coming away with from this thread is.. Where the heck is everyone getting 2* X-23s and Bishops and where did I drop the ball?!?
While I would not say that it is "hard" in comparison to the other fights, with its abilities to increase armor and reduce critical hits, it just makes the fight long and far too tedious, with the extra length causing more problems than normal. I do not feel like this fight is in line with the others in the series.
I am assume most of the problem revolves around the critical resistance that the sentinals build up, and they do it in an incredibly rapid fashion vs mutants. The one where you could use 3* was not too bad, but the gifted with 2* is incredibly poorly tuned. Its a good thing they test everything before release.
I caught myself wondering this as well, as GG one shot me with a special from about 85%, which I don't think it ever did before. Also, a "mistimed" parry that resulted in a block did a lot more damage then anyone but dorm did in AQ before.
Be lucky with your champ pulls so you will have the appropriate counters to the content. This will allow you to get into a good alliance. Next would be some skill and the time they require to earn rewards.
A swing and a miss. I enjoy feeling appreciated, and august seems to be your appreciation month, but to release after a month of the game performing very poorly as a way to attempt to restore faith in the game seems to be in bad taste. I know as long as the money keeps rolling in your a-ok with the backlash, but hopefully…
While they claim the spins are random and every crystal outcome is by chance, it does seem oddly strange that similar champs come out to multiple members in the same alliance. You do get the occasional outlier, but it seems that half the pulls on the new featured that have occurred in my alliance are Loki. It could be…
n-Game Name: Narcuul Device and Model: Iphone 8 Device Operating System: IOS 11.1.1 Cellular or WiFi: Both, AT&T Game Version Installed: 19.1.0 Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Event Quest, Alliance Quest(most prominent), Alliance War Description of the Issue: Lagging while trying to open crystals, seemed…
If you aren't enjoying your time playing, quit. If you don't feel like you get the appropriate amount of value from spending, stop. Being lucky with the RNG on this game has reached a point where it has become equally as important as playing the game well in a lot of cases. So long as they keep designing situations and…
They made this change quite some time ago. Instead, now they have attacker bonus, which essentially gives points for defender kills, up to a maximum of 3.
The infinity dungeons seem like this game's way of copying something similar to Diablo 3 rifts, and I am sure there are plenty of other versions out there as well. The thing that makes those fun is that every time you go into one and finish, you have a chance of getting something awesome. Will you 99% of the time?…
I haven't pulled a Hawkeye, either his 4 or 5*.
They sucked out what little fun was left and replaced it with stress. Despite the absurd claim that they don't expect us to clear a map every time, my alliance will. If I am the cause for not completing that war map, that's not going to be my alliance much longer and it won't be my decision.