Neill076 ★
Yes, 3 BGs running map 5. I'm actually the leader of the alliance. We're not the kicking kind of alliance. Participation, fun and teamwork is what counts. We don't mind the work, but as Archdemon_ pointed out, resources run dry.
I use Glory for health so an additional amount of Glory would be awesome.. Or just some potions @Moosetiptronic The 1 champ sacrifice per section methode is something we do also, but battling against the M5 powergain Hype is really demotivating for those guys. They do great on Thanos though.. @Archdemon_
Hey Snoezz/ Renzomaniak, alles goed? Om maar meteen met de deur in huis te vallen; jullie alliantie is verre van actief. Het is ook lastig om gemotiveerde en actieve spelers te vinden. Helaas groei je daardoor ook niet zo snel. Heb jij of andere leden toevallig interesse om weer wat rewards binnen te halen? Join ons. SMENL…