Ng_111 ★
I have him 5* duped max. I use him extensively even before I dupe him. He is great even before dupe. To me the difference is reverberation after dupe. I use him with void and WS. He hit hard even against bleed immune champ and great against annoying evade.
Great point from all. I think I know who to R5 1st. Time to go for uncollected.
Thanks for the advice. Have not attempt to do uncollected until now. It seems without doing that,progression is limited. Good luck in your quest to uncollected.
I used to play on Mi Max 2. Never had Poco, so cant comment about it. Currently using Honor Play for MCOC. From my experience, Honor Play is fast and smooth. If you have the budget, iphone still better for MCOC.
Kabam,if your sever can't support don't start this. Sick.
I have reinstalled the game. While I login with Google play account it works,but my game progress are gone. When I tried to login to kabam account,the connection is down.
Using xiaomi Android 7.1 Wifi and LTE both doesn't work.
Mine still down. Is it just me? Restart a few times still not working.